Géocaching Tèrra-Aventura : "Petites chamoiseries entre Poï'zs !"
Hello rogues! I need your help with a little matter that I can't pass up... Zeroik ordered 10 pairs of gloves from me for the dungeon garrison! Believe me, there is enough to get scholarships “in Niort”… The problem is that I don’t yet know how they are made…
On the theme of Niort's industrial past, closely linked to the banks of the Sèvre. 3 km route over 1-2 hours – Difficulty: 4/5 – Terrain: 3/5 – Free parking less than 1 km from the starting point (Jean-Macé, Capucins and Bessac).
On the theme of Niort's industrial past, closely linked to the banks of the Sèvre. 3 km route over 1-2 hours – Difficulty: 4/5 – Terrain: 3/5 – Free parking less than 1 km from the starting point (Jean-Macé, Capucins and Bessac).
Location accuracy
- Near a TER access (train, coach)
- Riverside
- Downtown
- Geocaching
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