
Restaurateurs, inscrivez-vous aux tables rondes sur l’emploi et le recrutement dans l’Hôtellerie-Restauration sur le bassin Niortais – Haut Val de Sèvre

Monday March 10 at 13:30 p.m.
CBE 7 Rue Sainte-Claire-Deville 79000 NIORT
The CBE of Niortais and Haut Val de Sèvre is organizing the event “Round tables on employment and recruitment in the Hotel and Restaurant industry in the Niortais – Haut Val de Sèvre basin”, on Monday March 10 from 13:30 p.m. to 16:30 p.m., in Niort.
Faced with recruitment difficulties and the sometimes overly negative image of the hotel and catering sector, this event aims to raise awareness among employment and training advisors about professional practices in the sector in order to enable them to communicate better with the public they support.
Four round tables will be organized to address the evolution of the sector. In order to successfully carry out this project, it is necessary to have professionals from the Hotel and Restaurant industry around these tables.
If you would like to participate as a restaurateur/speaker, register before February 7th after Julie Lagas: [email protected]

All dates and times

Opening hours on March 10, 2025
MondayOpen from 13:30 a.m. to 16:30 p.m.

Access map


7 Rue Sainte-Claire-Deville
79000 NIORT
How do I get there?

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