La Brasserie du Poitevin marsh live again!

After its closure at the end of 2013, no more beer Poitevin marsh was not produced. This was without counting on Sébastien Courtin, 38 years old and originally from Saint-Pompain and passionate about beer for more than 10 years. After obtaining a University Diploma in Brewery Operator at the University of La Rochelle, Sébastien has just reopened the brasserie with his partner Emeni Galouzi. Together they produced their first beer Poitevin marsh : the Stubborn.



Behind this name hides a nice nod to the Poitevine mule but also to the fact that it is a character beer !

Currently, the Mule’s Head beer only available in blonde. A light beer of 5° with fruity aromas and a (very) slight bitterness on the finish. With its slightly cloudy side and its somewhat orange color, it made me think of certain German specialty beers. Tested and approved!


La Stubborn is a artisanal bière which requires 5 weeks of production, between brewing, fermentation, storage and refermentation in the bottle (sugar is added in the beer before packaging in order to restart fermentation. The latter makes it possible in particular to gasify the beer). It's a unfiltered beer, which allows it to have more body and flavors. The deposit at the bottom of the bottle is partly due to this non-filtration.

For the end of 2014, a second Stubborn will be available. It will be a Amber beer which will be between 7° and 8° (style Belgian abbey beer). Finally, a White beer is planned for spring 2015. A organic beer and non-alcoholic beer would also be planned. To be continued…


The local sector is not forgotten in manufacturing. Indeed, a partnership is being established with a local farmer for the production of barley. The first sowing will be carried out at the end of October and will be available for the second half of 2015. The University of La Rochelle is also participating by making fresh yeast available, preserved then multiplied in its laboratories (where it produces, for information, the Science Infuse beer). The university also supports the two co-managers in the launch of the brewery to validate the recipes and ensure the first productions. The arrival of the equipment (tanks, bottling line) at coulon is planned for the first quarter of 2015.

By 2015, the boutique Marais Poitevin brasserie is still open in Coulon (2, rue du port de Brouillac). You can buy the Stubborn in 33 cl and (soon) 75 cl bottles*. You will also find it in regional product stores, bars and restaurants in Coulon. There Stubborn is also present in Niort in delicatessens and boutiques (Les P'tits amours, Epicerie Hédiard) while awaiting wider distribution.

Didn't that make you thirsty?

* To consume with moderation.


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