The September sun always makes us want country walks!
For the occasion, what if we took you to discover the trails of Sainte-Pezenne ? Its shaded paths are full of history and are ideal for bucolic and peaceful hikes between the forest and the banks of the Sèvre. Follow the leader !
Divided into 3 distinct circuits (“History and Heritage”, “When nature meets culture” and “Flight through the fields”), it is a total of 7 km which awaits the most adventurous in the heart of the wooded paths of Sainte-Pezenne ! Let's go together to discover the most mysterious corners that are hidden on our doorstep...
01. The wash house of the Fountain of the Dead
Meet at the entrance to the circuit where the gently sloping paths overlooking the Sèvre lead us to the washhouse of the Fountain of the Dead, a former meeting place where washerwomen beat laundry until the middle of the 19th century.
02. The church “Santa Peccina”
Going up the hillside, a major discovery awaits us, lurking in its stone cocoon: the“Santa Peccina” church. Its legend dates back to the 8th century when a young Spanish nun came to die as a martyr, giving her name to the church.
03. The Mill Donkey
On the way to Surimeau, let's now take the footbridge leading to the Donkey Mill which, before the First World War, transformed wheat into flour to export it to the West Indies. Finally, let's follow the course of the Sèvre Niortaise to discover the Bois des Touches where, between the hazelnut and ash trees, the scents of hyacinths and honeysuckle intoxicate us.
We won't tell you more about the other surprises these trails hide. And yes, it's already time to leave the sweet flowery paths to return to the thunderous bustle of the city! But, don't panic, many other hiking routes are available by clicking here in order to satisfy the desires for escapades of the most curious!
Good walk !