Guest rooms in LE BOURDET Chambre dans maison maraîchineLa BourdetaiseShare on …About usCapacityServices We speak: French, English Rankings & LabelsUnclassifiedNot labeledSee more Location detailsIn the countrysidePoitevin marshCapacityMaximum capacity: 4 Total number of rooms: 2 Type of accommodationMaisonServicesEquipmentsShared swimming poolSee more ServicesWi-FiSee more ComfortMicrowave ovenRefrigeratorTelevisionWi-FiSee more Address12 rue du Bief79210 LE BOURDET How do I get there? MailRoom in market garden houseProvider contactLast Name *Email *Postcode *Common Message *GDPR: I accept the collection of my personal data.Captcha If you are a human, do not complete this field. Fields marked with * are requiredSendWebsiteTel:Contact usMailWebsite+33 6 01 91 51 22 Book Contact Book