Furniture in MARIGNY Gîte de la Clairvaudière (G 241)About usCapacityAdmission feesRankings & LabelsUnclassifiedNot labeledSee more CapacityMaximum capacity: 6 Total number of rooms: 3 Type of accommodationMaisonAdmission feesPayment methodPayment cardsSee more Address8 impasse de la Clairvaudière79360 MARIGNY How do I get there? Tel:MailGîte de la Clairvaudière (G 241)Provider contactLast Name *Email *Postcode *Common Message *GDPR: I accept the collection of my personal data.Captcha If you are a human, do not complete this field. Fields marked with * are requiredSendContact us+33 6 51 84 20 05 Mail Contact