3 stars 3 ears of corn Furniture in MARIGNY Gite du Frêne-Têtard (G 244)more photosGite du Frêne TêtardGite du Frêne TêtardGite du Frêne TêtardGite du Frêne TêtardGite du Frêne TêtardShare on …AboutCapacityRankings & Labels3 starsGîtes de France3 ears of cornSee more CapacityMaximum capacity: 6 Total number of rooms: 3 Type of accommodationHouseAddress31 rue Champ de BeauLa Blotière79360 MARIGNY How do I get there? MailGite du Frêne-Têtard (G 244)Provider contactName *Email *Postcode *Common Message *GDPR: I accept the collection of my personal data.Captcha If you are a human, do not complete this field. Fields marked with * are requiredSendTel:Contact usMail+33 6 80 06 24 88 +33 5 49 09 69 65 Contact