Guest rooms in GERMOND-ROUVRE La Clé Des ChampsLa Clé des ChampsShare on …About usCapacityAccessibility We speak English Rankings & LabelsUnclassifiedNot labeledSee more CapacityMaximum capacity: 9 Total number of rooms: 4 Type of accommodationMaisonAccessibilityHearing impairmentMental handicapPhysical disabilityAddress10 rue des Champs Ferrets79220 GERMOND-ROUVRE How do I get there? MailThe Key to the FieldsProvider contactLast Name *Email *Postcode *Common Message *GDPR: I accept the collection of my personal data.Captcha If you are a human, do not complete this field. Fields marked with * are requiredSendWebsiteTel:Contact usMailWebsite+33 6 28 30 20 57 Book Contact Book