Excursion familiale en canoë kayak dans le marais du Vanneau par Romain Gaillard
Route details
The route I suggest is relatively simple to follow. It is a 6 km loop with departure and return to the same place: the port of Vanneau. If you have the Marais Poitevin river map, it will be even easier for you to follow the markings thanks to the square wooden posts (with indication of the location number) placed at many intersections. It is possible to complete the route in the direction you wish, however my detailed instructions below are in the direction “Bief du Vanneau” first. This canoe kayak route will allow you to take the main conches of this sector of the marsh and discover the major points of interest in the area: the port of Vanneau, its footbridge and its collective gardens, the large channel of La Garette, the Corde de la Belette and its market garden houses…
For more walks, find the guide “The Marais Poitevin by canoe-kayak – 17 walks to do on the water” by Romain Gaillard, on sale in several shops including the Tourist Office shops of Niort, Arçais and Coulon and also online: https://www.blog-marais-poitevin.fr/boutique/le-marais-poitevin-en-canoe-kayak-17-balades-a-faire-sur-leau/
For more walks, find the guide “The Marais Poitevin by canoe-kayak – 17 walks to do on the water” by Romain Gaillard, on sale in several shops including the Tourist Office shops of Niort, Arçais and Coulon and also online: https://www.blog-marais-poitevin.fr/boutique/le-marais-poitevin-en-canoe-kayak-17-balades-a-faire-sur-leau/