Trail running

Les Vallées du Tram – Station de Trail

Route details

Trail running
Square white and black sign with title Trail Station
Nature (fauna, flora)


This trail circuit offers a route starting from Augé. Stairs and hillsides ensure the warm-up from the village centre to the landscapes shaped by the Ligueure and the Chambon.
These valleys are punctuated by the viaduct piles of the Deux-Sèvres Tramway (TDS), a ghost line originally intended to connect Saint-Maixent-l'Ecole to Saint-Laurs, the work on which was halted by the First World War. Of average difficulty, this route will get your cardio going!
DifficultyAverageDuration01h00Elevation228 D- ​​/ 225 D+Distance11,8 km

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