
Randonnée Chemin faisant sur l'histoire d'Arçais

Between marshes and plains, from paths to footbridges, set off to discover the village of Arçais.

Route details

Historical, Nature (fauna, flora)


Arçais was once the seat of an important trade by water, which has 40 kilometers of navigable canals and an area of ​​1.000 hectares of wet marshland.

You will discover narrow canals, resolutely preserved coves, boat and canoe riders, picturesque architecture, all enhanced in allure by the dignified maintenance of the classical castle watching over the port. Charming village!

Happy hiking and remember that you are not alone on the trails you are about to travel. We therefore invite you to respect nature: avoid picking flowers and plants, do not leave any trash behind, respect inhabited places, stay on the trails, keep dogs on a leash.

Departure from the Port car park in Arçais.
DifficultyAverageDuration02h30Distance10,0 km
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