All legislation on the compulsory declaration to the town hall of furnished tourist accommodation and guest rooms.
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- Furnished tourist accommodation
- Bed and Breakfast
- Simplified online form for Furnished Tourism and Bed and Breakfast
The law of October 7, 2016 specifies that declaration to the town hall is not obligatory when the furnished accommodation constitutes the principal residence of the lessor.
Article L324-1-1
Edited by LAW n°2016-1321 of October 7, 2016 – art. 51
1. Any person who offers furnished tourist accommodation for rental, whether or not it is classified within the meaning of this code, must have prior makes the declaration to the mayor of the municipality where the furnished accommodation is located.
This prior declaration is not obligatory when the residential premises constitute the principal residence of the lessor, within the meaning of 2 article of Law No. 89-462 of July 6, 1989 tending to improve rental relations and amending Law No. 86-1290 of December 23, 1986.
2. In municipalities where the change of use of premises intended for housing is subject to prior authorization within the meaning of articles L.631-7 et L.631-9 of the construction and housing code, a deliberation of the municipal council may decide to submit to a prior declaration subject to registration with the municipality any short-term rental of furnished premises for the benefit of passing customers who does not take up residence there.
- When implemented, this declaration subject to registration replaces the declaration mentioned in I of this article.
- A teleservice allows you to make the declaration. The declaration may also be made by any other means of filing provided for by the aforementioned deliberation.
- Upon receipt, the declaration gives rise to the immediate issuance by the municipality of an acknowledgment of receipt including a declaration number.
- A decree determines the information that may be required for registration.
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