The village, watered by the Mignon, is cited for the first time in 1183. First in the hands ofEleanor of Aquitaine, the lordship became in 1346 the domain of Count of Eu and Guines, constable of France. Beheaded in 1350, his property is confiscated for the benefit of the Crown and later attributed to Margaret of ValoisGirl Charles VI. Then, Charles VII give it to Christin de Chambers, captain of his Scottish guard. In the middle of the 18th century, the parish, made up of smallholdings, was partly covered with communal woods. We raises sheep and some oxen, cultivates the vine up tophylloxera invasion in 1880. Following the disappearance of Prissé-le-Grand, Belleville inherits the hamlet ofAyguis in 1888. In 2018, it merged with Prissé-la-Charriere, Saint-Etienne-la-Cigogne et Buffers to form the new commune of Plain of Argenson and becomes a delegated municipality whose capital is Prissé-la-Charriere. The village still retains its agricultural vocation.
What to see in Belleville?
01. The Notre-Dame church
Annex of Saint-Etienne-la-Cigogne, the 12th century building is largely destroyed during the Wars of Religion, then repaired at the beginning of the 18th century. He is again renovated in the 19th century. Her arcade bell tower with two niches is rebuilt identically. Its choir has a plastered vault in 1900. Some Roman remains.former Priory of the Hermitants said of the Sousses of the order of Fontevrault, founded in 1130, was placed on the Way of Saint-Jacques de Compostelle.