Granzay, first cited in 1218, was largely planted with vines before the appearance of phylloxera. His lordship fell under the castellany of Frontenay. Mentioned in the Censor of Chizé in 1250, Grip was in 1716 a village of 4 or 5 rustics hostels welcoming travelers passing through on the gd'route. The two municipalities merge in 1972. 10 years later, a sundial, the only example of gnomonic achievement undertaken on such an important scale for the contemporary period (170 tonnes, 17,30 m of floor space and 5,25 m of height). Its location makes it possible to make a direct reading of the projected shadow. Thanks to its imposing size, a simple aim along the needles helps locate the North Star.

What to see in Granzay-Gript?

01 The Saint-Vaize church

Fixed after the religious wars, but too much dilapidated, It is abandoned in 1750. A new shrine was blessed in 1771. 3 km from Granzay,former Saint-Martin de Jules priory, located in a hamlet inhabited since ancient times, was a place of pilgrimage who had the power to heal children and incontinence of urine at night.

02 Saint-Aubin church

It would have been built on the boundary of the dioceses of Saintes and Poitiers (door located in Saintonge and altar in Poitou). In ruins, it is attached to that of Sint-Niklaas in 1709. Ransacked during the Revolution, it is united with that of Granzay.

03 The Sundial (1982)

The only example of gnomonic realization company on such an important scale for the contemporary period. Several times cited in Sundial Commission for its precision rarely achieved on monumental gnomonic works.
It is 1 min 52 s away. time of Greenwich Mean Time : situation allowing a direct reading of the projected shadow. This is a polar sundial* 3 tables offset by 4 hours, weighing 170 tonnes, measuring 17,30 m. of development on the ground and 5,25 m. from above. The polo or axis style (= needle) projects its shadow on the reading table or dial. Indication of solar time by the Roman numerals, summer time by normal numbers and winter time taking the middle (summer time – 1 and solar time + 1). Thanks to that imposing size, a simple aim along the polo shirts helps locate the North Star.

*The hand and dial are parallel to the axis of rotation of the Earth. So the hand itself is parallel to the dial.

Other curiosities to see:

  • Griffier Castle (20th century neoclassical construction located in the center of a 15th century building)
  • The bread oven
  • Discovery trails


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