Medieval, botanical, contemporary are the three facets of the city which give it its attractiveness and dynamics. Melle has expanded thanks to its grouping with 4 other municipalities, Mazières-sur-Béronne, Paizay-le-Tort, Saint-Léger-de-la-Martinière, Saint-Martin-lès-Melle, which also have many attractions.

City of many riches
Melle, labeled Petites Cités de Caractère®, is a town with many facets, surprising in its cultural diversity and richness of its historical, botanical and artistic heritage.
Melle owes its origin to its silver galena mines, exploited between the 7th and 10th centuries, for their minting of Carolingian royal coins. The town has three Romanesque churches: Saint-Savinien, Saint-Pierre and Saint-Hilaire, the latter of which is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site under the “Paths of Saint Jacques de Compostela”.

Melle is also a nature city, with its botanical trail, the “Path of Discovery”, labeled Remarkable Garden, which surrounds it and offers more than 1800 species of trees, shrubs and varieties of roses. In the city, contemporary creation is in the spotlight. Numerous lasting works of art challenge visitors during their visit. It also has a strategic position, crossed by several routes including the GR® 655, Chemin de Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle and the Vélidale (V93)

Top 5 to see and do in Melle

Silver Mines
The oldest visitable silver mines in the world, exploited at the time of Charlemagne, until the end of the 10th century for the Melle monetary workshop.

The 3 churches
Those are 3 Catholic churches in the Romanesque style, 2 of which are today desecrated and serve as cultural place. The third, the Saint-Hilaire church, is classified as Unesco World Heritage.

Contemporary Art Biennial
Iconic event of the city, which takes place every two years, characterized by setting up exhibitions in places of built heritage (churches, temple, Hôtel de Ménoc) and in vegetated places (parks, “Discovery Path”)…

Path of Discovery
The Discovery Trail is a unique example of reconversion of an old railway line in an arboretum with nearly 1800 trees and shrubs recorded (including 250 rose bushes). A discovery of the city through its plant heritage over more than 6 km.

Monet Goyon
Discover the prestigious motorcycle manufacturer Monet & Goyon, in the museum entirely dedicated to him in Melle. It brings together a fabulous collection of restored machines in accordance with the origin.

Other curiosities near Celles-sur-Belle

Small Towns of Character®
The town of Melle has the privilege of carrying the “Small Cities of Character®” label. This label, awarded in recognition of its Architectural Heritage and its authentic charm, underlines Melle's commitment to preserve and promote its historical heritage.
Terra Aventura
You have the soul of a adventurer and puzzles don't scare you? So, go with Zouti on the Tèrra Aventura geocaching course “Charlemagne’s stolen penny”. Over a 5 km course, you will be asked several puzzles. They will allow you to access the famous cache and its mystery word. A small reward will delight young and old.

Contact the Pays Mellois Tourist Office
2 Place Bujault
79500 Melle
05 49 29 15 10
[email protected]