Le archaeological diagnosis carried out in January 2018 before the start of the wasteland rehabilitation project Boinot revealed the presence of a ancient sanctuary dated 1st century BCE to mid-2nd century CE. Among the remains unearthed, three statues of deities, including that of Epona. Goddess of voyageurshorses and agricultural fields, the Gallic deity had watched over the site for more than 2 years. The fragments of the statue found are exhibited at the Dungeon Museum. A facsimile was produced and is presented on the ground floor of the Dryer, in introduction to the “Épona – Secrets of our heritage” space. From there, the goddess invites you to embark on a journey to discover the heritage of the Niort Agglo territory.

A space inaugurated in July 2021

Imagined and implemented by the conservation of the Niort Agglo museums, the first floor of the Dryer Port Boinot is available in an immersive and fun space dedicated to the heritage that makes up the identity of the territory.

The heritages are revealed:

Let yourself be told about the Niortais…

Discover the four landscapes that make up the territory: the open limestone plain,  Sèvre valleyNiort and Poitevin marsh.

In the center, a interactive map gives a geographical approach integrating heritage. Picture rails and tablets present explanatory texts for each zone and display 3D images on the map of the most characteristic and remarkable buildings of the built or natural, agricultural and economic heritage. You will also play on the themes of the sale of cereals in Antiquity, salt in the Middle Ages, wine during the Renaissance, wood in the 19th and 20th centuries. Fourteen contemporary people, registered and engaged in the territory, as well as historical or legendary figures, speak of local particularities in short videos.

Mathéo Reulier

Digital and fun

This interactive space will allow you to learn more about the territory. 

The Sèvre Niortaise and the Marais Poitevin

The river is evoked in a central module, in the form of an interactive digital sculpture for promote natural heritage and biodiversity. A game explains how the swamp for every season and identify the role of actors and hydraulic works. Cranks allow you to open or close the circulation of water, flood or dry certain areas, depending on the seasons and thus allow you to see the impact of these actions on the territory.

Mathéo Reulier
Magalie Tenailleau – Niort – Marais Poitevin tourist office

Agricultural activities and local products

Wooden medals available interactively trigger, in an optical theater, the appearance of characters who explain the history and importance of the cultivation of vines, cereals, the breeding of mulasse breeds, milk and the manufacture of butter throughout the territory.

Architecture and urban history with a focus on Niort

On an interactive table with screen, the visitor can display in 3D:

  • eight monuments et emblematic buildings from the city ;
  • a thematic exploration et encyclopedic of its heritage;
  • un film on the origin of the architecture of mutual societies.

A commercial game invites you to discover in a fun way economic activity over the centuries and exchange networks. By the example of chamois and gloves where, in the shoes of Thomas-Jean Main, you will go to London under a false identity among the competitors to discover the sanding technique which will be applied upon his return to Niort and will make it possible to increase the city's reputation in this sector.

Mathéo Reulier
Mathéo Reulier

Boinot chamois/gloves

Two large panels explain the technical and  know-how du skin treatment, as well as a slideshow film composed of photos from 1921, on glass plates, digitized, some of which are unpublished. They are from from the collections of Bernard d'Agesci museum.

The course ends with the mutual goose game!

On the model of goose game revisited, he comes to explain the principle of mutuality, its advantages, its functioning. A single objective: Cooperation !

Niort – Marais Poitevin Tourist Office

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