The small rural town, labeled “Organic Territory” in 2019, is located between Gâtine and the Marais Poitevin. Cited for the first time in 1080, it was part of the election, seat and castellany of Fontenay-le-Comte. Its habitat is nestled in the hollow of a cereal plain, its streets are labyrinthine and sometimes lined with old dry stone walls. In 1804, Etienne Dupin, prefect of Deux-Sèvres, wrote that there was a mill in St-Rémy near La Goupilière, that the communal land was only a vast limestone quarry and that the trade consisted of mules. , horses, oxen and sheep. A passion for horses that still continues on the edge of the town with the Relais Equestre Equinoxe.
To see: the two Towers (13th century), St-Rémy church, La Courneuve (15th century) and Maison de la Plaine (multipurpose room).
To see: the two Towers (13th century), St-Rémy church, La Courneuve (15th century) and Maison de la Plaine (multipurpose room).