How about visiting the city of Niort form fun investigation ? Of the'Hôtel de Ville until Pillory going through the Bernard d'Agesci museum and even the Donjon, (re)discover Niort in a way unique et entertaining.

What is Rando-jeu?

The Rando-jeu is an activity that combines hiking with a fun investigation. This activity consists of follow a hiking route specific while solving puzzles or searching for hidden clues along the way. The objective is to discover tourist, cultural or natural sites in the heart of the city of Niort so fun and interactive, while being physically active. Alone, with family or friends, with no age limit, arm yourself with your logical and your Sens of observation for'unravel the mystery during this discovery rally!


Practical information

  • For all
  • Accessible for people in wheelchairs
  • Price : €5
  • Duration : 2 hours
  • Distance : 3,6 kilometers

The dragon's imprint

During the Young International Photography Meetings organized by the Center for Contemporary Photographic Art, Lola, an author newly arrived in Niort, comes to admire the exhibition proposed by James, a young British photographer. The young man chose “the industrial and artistic heritage of Niort in the modern city” as his theme.


Among the photos, one will attract the attention of the young woman; it represents a man working leather with a particularly shaped needle, which reminds the young girl of an ancient writing that she studied as part of a project. novel... What if it was the missing tooth of the dragon of Niort?


Lola and James will set out across the city in search of the mysterious object!


Help them investigate and unravel the mystery.

How to recover the hiking game?

To collect the Rando-game, go to theNiort – Marais Poitevin Tourist Office at the tourist reception of Port Boinot in Niort:

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