The “Cities and Countries of Art and History” label was created in France in 1985 to promote the cultural heritage of cities and territories. It is awarded by the Ministry of Culture and Communication to communities which commit to highlight their architectural, urban, landscape and artistic heritage. Today, more than 200 cities and countries in France carry this label, offering visitors the opportunity to discover the rich and varied cultural heritage of the country.

The “Cities and Countries of Art and History” label

Niort and its agglomeration are part of the labeling project “Land of Art and History”. The quality of built heritage, naturallegendary and the interest of his industrial heritage justify the development process that the territory has undertaken.
With a view to this future label, the city center has already started several significant works.

In 2015, 4 new buildings of the 19th century, testimonies of expansion and modernization of the city, have just been registered for their heritage value. So, l’hôtel de ville, the churches Saint-André et Saint-Hilaire, the Pissot pumping station join the pantheon emblematic monuments of Niort.

The town today has twenty-three registered buildings (halls, Prefecture, the Trousseau pavilion of the Old Hospital…) and four classified (the dungeonthe pillory, Notre-Dame church and Duguesclin center) whose the dungeon who, in 1840, is part of the first list of protected French buildings.

A next one protective perimeter will encompass the old center and its districts, the Ancien and Cadet cemeteries, the industrial and hydraulic heritage, thirteen alignments and thirty-one remarkable trees including the prefecture's two hackberry trees planted at the beginning of the 19th century!

The label Country of Art and History will ultimately enhance Niort's heritage and strengthen the Small Towns of Character®

The “City and Crafts” label

The “City and Crafts” label brings together and promotes the municipalities of France which invest in promoting the wealth and diversity of artistic careers in their city. HAS Niort, the shop 36 quai des Arts located under the halls, is a a real showcase for some 200 artistic crafts!

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